• The Lifetime between: A Collection of Words Unsaid

    Ever written a letter you never sent? Words you've never said but wanted to? That's what you're about to read in The Lifetime Between. Every word, every page, is a note, a letter, a thought to someone specific—a friend, a lover, an ex-lover, a family member, the author herself. Words left unsaid. Words held back in fear. Words that didn't come until it was too late. Words of hurt, of anger, of love, of hope, of strength. Words of truth—which sometimes hurt.

  • Dear Forever Love: A Collection of Poems

    I didn't know what to do, so I wrote a book about you; poured you out of my heart and carved you into these pages, immortalizing you and this love until the end of the next infinity

  • Love From An Airplane Window

    In her third book, author Nikki Merriman explores what it means to be both a wanderer and a hopeless romantic at the same time. Written on airplanes, in airports, and across time zones, Love From an Airplane window explores the beauty of this lifestyle as well as the fallout, and what home really means.

  • Aftermath

    What do you do when you wake up one morning, and your life is turned inside out? How do you process it? What's the first thing you do? What do you do when you find out that everything you thought you knew and were building your life around was a lie- and not a small one? "Aftermath" is short and pinpoint focused. It's the light and the dark, the good and the bad, the calm and the storm; it's both sides of a double-edged sword.


    Linear is a yearlong, daily Q&A guided deep healing journal, designed to crack open the depths of your soul and heal what really needs to be healed.

    With 11 different categories designed to encompass a variety of areas of growth, self-care, and healing, this journal is a great way to spend time with yourself daily while encompassing self-care into your routine as well.

    Get you know (and heal) yourself on a whole new level with Linear.

  • Leave a Light On: A Poetry Collection

    Second chances can be glorious, wonderful things. They are rarely deserved but always appreciated. A second chance has the power to change the course of life as we know it. It should come as no surprise that I hold second chances in love in the highest regard; after all, is love not the focus of all the great sonnets? Second chances hold a unique power over us, a power that allows us to right our wrongs, to change our course of action, to turn on our heels and make things right again. Second chances allow us to love where we haven't loved previously, to be better people, and to practice the elusive art of forgiveness.